Reduced potency. Men often face this problem. The reasons for this can be very different - from changes related to age and improper lifestyle to depression and nervous excitement. Bad habits also do not improve the situation.
There are many solutions to this problem, from medicines to prescriptions of traditional medicine and specialized gymnastic complexes. The drugs work flawlessly, but the results are short-lived, while the same exercise helps eliminate potency problems for a long time. As a result, personal life is improving. There are fewer causes of stress.
Potency exercises
The main cause of this disease are stagnant processes in the pelvic area.
Due to the directed physical activity the muscles and joints start to work actively, the blood flow improves, the muscles are actively saturated with oxygen.
As a result of this work, the blood rushes to the genitals, as a result of which the erection improves.

There are many different physical training complexes for normalizing sexual activity.
The advantage of gymnastics over drugs is obvious. The latter give a guaranteed result, but most men are afraid to use them because they are afraid of side effects that they may not write about in the annotation.
Gymnastic complexes have no contraindications. Anyone can do them. Even if, for health reasons, one exercise is not recommended, it can be replaced with another without affecting the end result.
The effect of potency exercises
The only condition that must be met in order to achieve a positive effect is regularity. It is best to do the exercises 4 times a week, and some exercises can be done every day. Such a load is also suitable as a prophylaxis. If possible, you can do the complex every day.
- As a result of sports there is increased production of testosterone, it is this hormone that controls the quality of erections and potency;
- Thanks to focused physical activity, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, which also affects potency;
- Increasing body tone leads to good health in general;
- Endurance increases, tension disappears;
- Sexual function is restored over time.
Before starting exercises to increase potency in men at home, consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

The set of exercises should be considered and cover all the muscles involved in this process
To do this, you need to carefully examine the whole complex.
- Big muscles need to be involved. This will keep the whole body in good shape.
- Several exercises should be chosen that promote testosterone production.
- We must not forget about the coccygeal part, this will relieve stagnant processes in the pelvic area, improving blood circulation. As a result of such measures, blood flow to the genitals will also improve.
- As a result of stress, adrenaline is often produced, which, without finding a way out, has a negative effect on sexual function. High-quality physical activity allows you to reduce adrenaline levels, relieving negative stress.
- The core of potency-enhancing gymnastics for men is a set of exercises that train the small pelvic floor muscles. They are the ones who are mainly responsible for the quality work of the reproductive system.
Gymnastics at home
Exercises to increase potency in men can be performed not only by those who have obvious problems in bed, but also by those who do not yet have them.
Exercise number 1
Stand on all fours with your back straight. While exhaling, slowly lower your buttocks to the steps, be sure to touch your heels with the booty. Do not hit your hands on your elbows, palms are fixed. Then slowly rise, straighten your back well, do not bend. There is no rush, it is important to stretch well, feeling all the muscles. Perform 15 times.
This simple exercise to improve potency in men should not be underestimated, it will help stretch the spine, remove existing braces and pinch. Perfectly relieves lumbar tension, massages the prostate.
Exercise number 2
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms at waist. It is best that the clothes do not interfere with movement. Ideally, undress naked or wear something loose. Push the pelvis forward sharply, then sharply back. The lower back and legs are clearly fixed and remain in place, only the pelvis works. Do for 3 minutes, repeat 5 times.
Exercise number 3
This exercise is good because it can be performed at least every day, does not require special conditions. If you want, you can do it at home, at work and even on public transport. Sit on a stool (sofa, chair, armchair), make sure your knees are bent at right angles. Two fists should fit between the knees. Your arms are relaxed, lie on your knees, your back straight and not tense. The gaze is directed forward. Squeeze the gluteus muscle tightly, hold it in this state for a few minutes and relax. There should be pauses of at least 25 seconds. Repeat 10 times for 6 approaches.
This potency-boosting exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and has a positive effect on the entire genitourinary system as a whole.
Exercise number 4
Lie on your back, bend your legs, place your legs closer to your buttocks. Hands on the body. When exhaling, push the pelvis as high as possible, the shoulders and feet remain on the floor. The latter are firmly pressed to the floor. The lower back should not "hang", it should be fixed, all the load goes to the thighs and abdomen. Repeat 10-15 times.
After a few days, the male potency exercise can be complicated by lifting the pelvis not straight up, but swinging it from one side to the other, or using weights, such as weight dumbbells, by placing them on the groin.
Pressing the pelvis stimulates blood circulation in the lower abdomen, improving blood flow.
Exercise number 5
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat slowly, pulling your ass back, as if there is a chair you are trying to sit on. Extend your arms forward and lean forward with your body to maintain balance. The knees should not bend below 90 degrees while squatting, they should not go beyond the level of the socks. Exhale when squatting, when inhaling - return to starting position. Perform 10 times.
In this exercise, the load is placed on the back muscles of the thigh. If the front muscles start to ache during performance, then you are not working properly. You can't squat deeply, it's an unnecessary strain on the knee joint. You can increase the load by adding side impacts during lifting.
This exercise to improve potency helps to establish blood circulation in the pelvic area, improves the condition of his joints. Also, this squat is great for tightening the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles.
Exercise number 6
Sit on the floor, below your knees at 90 degrees. Inhale, bring the right shoulder sharply diagonally forward and upward, at the same time straighten the leg of the same name. Exhale slowly back into place. Repeat turn left. Perform 10 times in a row with each side.
Exercise number 7
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, arms lying along the body. When exhaling sharply, with an effort to spread the knees to the side, as if springs press the knees to the side. You can create this resistance with your hands. You don't have to try to pull your knees to the floor. It is important to watch your breathing. It should be strong and regular. If you breathe incorrectly, there will be no effect from the load, as as a result there will be no oxygen saturation and blood circulation will be insufficient.
This potency-boosting exercise helps to open the hip joint while the muscles of the buttocks, inner thigh and perineum work. Perform 15 times.
Exercise number 8
Sit on the floor, for convenience you can lean on your hands, placing them behind your back. Put your feet on your feet and rub the top on the bottom, then you need to change. The range of motion must be maximum. Do at least 30 times in 5 approaches.
As a result of this exercise to increase potency at home, the muscles of the inner thigh are strengthened, the blood flow to the muscles of the pelvis is increased. An erection is restored.
Exercise number 9
This exercise is called one of the best helpers to restore erection and urogenital function in general. You need to sit on the floor and start walking, consistently moving your legs forward, you do not need to bend your knees, try not to tear your legs off the floor, your arms are bent at the elbows and work actively. You have to "walk" for 30 seconds, your back should be flat. Movement - active, with maximum movement forward. Otherwise, proper muscle tension will not be obtained. Perform approach 5-6 with a short break.
Exercise number 10
This exercise requires some concentration. Lie on your back, place your right hand under your head and your left hand on your genitals. It is important to keep your palms warm by rubbing them while they warm up. Tighten the muscles of the legs and buttocks, while gently squeezing and pulling down the genitals. Do at least 20 times in 5 reps.
This simple exercise to improve potency at home helps increase blood flow to the genitals, improving the supply of oxygen and blood.
chinese exercises
Qigong is a special sports complex developed in China. There are a number of different Chinese complexes that can be used to treat various diseases. There is qigong whose goal is to restore an erection. These exercises improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles by helping to improve blood flow.
Chinese potency exercises came to us from ancient China, Taoist monks developed this system. In practice, this gymnastics allows not only to effectively solve the problems of restoring male sexual function, but also to treat other diseases of the pelvis.
Regular training in the Chinese method allows you to regain male strength. This complex is also recommended for those men who want to have children. That's why not so long ago in China, all the young men who were going to get married had to do this qigong.
Qigong to restore sexual function allows you to saturate the pelvic muscles with oxygen, which helps to normalize the reproductive function of the body.
The male hormonal background is stabilized, the work of the entire genitourinary system as a whole is normalized and the quality of sperm is improved.
To perform this complex, you will need a mat, the most suitable is special for yoga.

Exercise number 1
Lie on your stomach, legs outstretched, arms outstretched along the body, palms down. Rest your palms on the floor while inhaling, slowly raise your upper body as high as possible, your back arched. The lower body does not work. Once you reach the maximum point, tilt your head back and fix this position for a while. Then, exhaling smoothly, go down. Do lifts at least 10 times.
While performing this potency exercise at home, it is not necessary to tear your hips off the floor, the body bends in the lumbar region and do not make sudden movements. It is important to monitor breathing and the pace of performance, it is measured and even from start to finish.
Exercise number 2
Position - lying on your back, arms around your body, left leg bent. Exhale slowly, at the same time lift the torso with arms outstretched and right leg straight. You need to get a crease. The entire load falls on the left leg. The rise should be smooth, not sharp.
When the right knee is level with the left, lock in this position for a few seconds and return smoothly to the starting point. At the same time, exhale slowly. Then change legs and repeat. Remember that you should never bend your knees. Repeat at least 10 times.
In addition to actively supplying the pelvic muscles with oxygen, this exercise to increase potency in men trains the lower press, which also contributes to achieving the overall goal.
Exercise number 3
Lie on the floor, arms at your sides, legs crossed - just above. Take a deep breath to take in the air by slowly pushing your body up. Only the left heel and the back of the head should touch the floor, everything else, including the hands, should be parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Gradually exhale, lower yourself to the floor. Under no circumstances should you do it abruptly or fall. Change legs and do everything again, but the right heel serves as a support. Do it at least 10 times.
This lifting of the body tones not only the muscles of the pelvis and hips, but also the whole body. The main thing during the performance is to watch your breathing, it should not be sharp with long pauses.
Exercise number 4
Lie on your back on the floor. The legs are straight, the arms are along the body. Slowly raise both legs until the socks touch the floor behind your head. At the same time support the body with your hands, only the shoulder blades remain on the floor. Return to starting position. Do not let go of your back, go down without a jester. Repeat the potency recovery exercise at least 10 times.
Exercise number 5
This exercise requires some flexibility, but if you have problems with the spine, osteochondrosis or peptic ulcer, it should not be performed at all. If your natural flexibility does not allow you to reach your feet with your hands, you can use straps, rope or strap.
Lie on your stomach. Put your hands on your body, bend your legs at the knees, grab their ankles with your hands. The support should be on your abdomen, your back is bent, be careful not to fall on your side, keep your balance. Take a deep breath.
As you exhale, pull your legs as close to your head as possible, your back bent as much as possible at this point, then relax and inhale again. Repeat this exercise to increase potency 10 times.
Exercise number 6
Stand on all fours, lower your head so that you can see your legs. Inhale slowly, pull the knee of the left leg towards the face. At the same time, the back remains motionless. Lock for a few seconds and return to your original position. Pull the right knee to the face, also fix the position, return to the starting point. Perform at least 10 times for each leg
Exercise number 7
Lie on the floor on your stomach. Extend your arms diagonally and spread your legs. Your body should look like an intersection of two lines. One line is the left foot, the right hand, the second line is the right foot, the left hand. When taking a deep breath, raise your arms, head and legs and freeze in this position for a few seconds. Concentrate all the strength in the stomach. Exhale slowly and lower your body to the starting point. Repeat at least 10 times.
If you perform this set of exercises for male potency at least four times a week, after one month there will be a clear positive effect. Male strength and activity of the reproductive system will return. The main condition is to monitor the quality of performance. If it is not possible to complete the set number of times from the first day, you should strive to do more next time. Until the desired result is achieved.
It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise, otherwise the muscles during exercise will not receive the necessary oxygen saturation and the long-awaited self-healing will not occur.
How to improve Kegel potency
Kegel exercises can not only restore sexual function, but also get rid of the prostate and hemorrhoids. This workout also has a positive effect on erections. The huge advantage of this gymnastics is that it can be performed not only at home, but also at work and even in public transport and while driving. It does not require special time, it can be done almost on the go.
The essence of gymnastics is the training of a single muscle - the computer. To find it, you need to interrupt the flow while urinating, at which point the same PC muscle is tense. The exercise is simple, squeezing and relaxing the PC muscle. When squeezing, fix the muscle for as long as possible, not less than 5-10 seconds, then relax for the same period of time.
For all its apparent simplicity, you need to start training a few times. So for the first time, five is enough. Gradually, day by day, the number of times may increase. This exercise can be easily combined with any other complex gymnastics to improve potency in men.
Within three weeks, this exercise to improve erectile function will bring noticeable results.